Azure Cloud Backups Secure Paper Manufacturing Company's Data


For generations, paper has served as the physical medium for our narratives, but the ink now runs digitally as well. In the modern paper mill, data is the lifeblood, tracking everything from pulp processing to finished paper rolls. Protecting this vital information was once a cumbersome process, reliant on vulnerable on-premise servers. But the paper trail has taken a sharp turn towards the cloud, thanks to Azure Backup.


  • The organization used reliable enterprise-grade backup software for data protection.

  • Reluctance to centralize all backup data due to recognized best practice concerns.

  • Gabriel, the CTO, emphasized the software's performance but highlighted storage space limitations.

  • Exploring cloud integration options, StoneFly's gateway solutions caught their attention.

Scalability is no longer a concern. As the paper trail expands, Azure Backup gracefully stretches, accommodating the growing data deluge without a hitch. Gone are the days of scrambling for new servers or sweating over tape backups. Azure Backup orchestrates the process seamlessly, freeing papermakers to focus on crafting stories, not worrying about data storage epics.

Explore the complete case study here to learn more about this success story: Paper Manufacturing Company Secures Backup Data in Azure Cloud


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